Freddy K's YouTube & other videos, as well as posts on various topics of interest. Still THE spot for thick AND rich content!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Watching the Skies

NORAD days...from the CBC archives.

CF100 Clunk project by Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum

This "Clunk" I knew well - standing for years on a pedestal beside the RCAFA Club at Hamilton Airport. Well in late October 2009, it was removed from its perch - apparently to be restored & added to the CWH Museum!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cam's Stag 1992 part 2

Part 2. Members of the 2ARW celebrate Cam's stag in 1992 at Ken's place. Can you say "drunken A-holes"? Booze, tunes, and stories with Moores, Almasy, Freddy K, Hoopers, Krause, and Donnelly (before he went "under ground"). And the last time Andy Gyorffy appears on tape (as well as behind the camera). I was out of the Air Farce for 10 years at this point, and it's been 18 years since this was shot!

Cam's Stag 1992

Members of the 2ARW celebrate Cam's stag in 1992 at Ken's place. Can you say "drunken A-holes"? Booze, tunes, and stories with Moores, Almasy, Freddy K, Hoopers, Krause, and Donnelly (before he went "under ground"). And the last time Andy Gyorffy appears on tape (as well as behind the camera). I was out of the Air Farce for 10 years at this point, and it's been 18 years since this was shot!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Andy Gyorffy of 400 Sqn Tribute

A collage in memory of my 400 Squadron buddy Andy. The opening photo was taken on a squadron trip to Myrtle Beach in 1981. The videos were shot in happy times during the late 1980's - early 1990's. Still miss him.

Monday, December 28, 2009

The 400 Squadron song

Also known as "400 Squadron's a Hell of a Place", we sang this one at the squadron in the 1970's at Downsview (CFB Toronto). Origin of the tune is unknown but likely goes back to the 1950's or just after the war. Thanks to Bill Bishop for supplying the additional verses to the 3 that I remembered.

Friday, December 25, 2009

The 12 Days of Training - our 400 Squadron carol

Here's the version of the 12 Days of Christmas we sang in the Air Force.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Letters from Kandahar

Thought I'd post a couple of letters received from CAF personnel in Afghanistan this Christmas...


Good day Lynn & Fred,

My name is Chief Petty Officer Bob Burton, serving in Afghanistan until end of Apr 2010. I checked the mail today and your letter was in it, I always enjoy reading letters from home…home being Canada of course. I was born and raised in Newfoundland and have spent the last 19 ½ years in the Navy (yes you heard it right – NAVY). I volunteered to come and do my part; my brother is also here serving. I have a beautiful wife and 3 great children ages 12, 11 and 2; they will be spending XMas with family in Guysborough, N.S. this year.

Thank you for the Tim’s card, I will think of you and home when I have my next large double double on the boardwalk.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both!




Dear Fred and Lynn

We received your Christmas and New Year greetings on 23 Dec 09. Your
appreciation and support mean more than you can imagine to all members,
both at home and deployed. The Timmies Card you sent will be put to
good use. Here at the MP Det at Kandahar Airfield (KAF) we are
extremely fortunate and have many oppurtunities to go, however our
members that are outside the wire, deployed to forward locations do not.

Having been deployed outside in 2006, I know that a little taste of home
can do wonders for your morale. It did for mine when we came in shortly
after the Timmies opened here. Although the old man saif that KAF was a
part of our regular patrol for that day, we were all aware of why we
actually stopped for more than a quick check in.

I try to ensure that those coming in get the oppurtunity to relax and
unwind, before going out again, whether going on leave or just in for a
short stop, so I have put your card to the side (with a few others) for
when the boys and girls come in. I hope that this is OK with the both
of you.

With regards to Hubby being in the Airforce in "Easier Times". My
father was also in the Navy during "Easier Times", but the truth is, I
remember too well the duck and cover days. Those that stood on the
front line of freedom during those times are a very large reason why we
live free today. You both have my eternal gratitude. I say both
because if it wasn't for our amazing, supportive better halves this job
would be that much more difficult. I truly believe that the partners at
home have a much rougher time than us over here. At least we know what
is going on and what we are doing.

Thank you very much, for the Tim Card, and you letter. I hope that you
have a great Christmas and that the New Year brings you good fortune.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

2 Air Reserve Wing 2010 New Year Post part 2

Part 2 of my message to "the troops"for 2010, of the former 2 Air Reserve Wing at the old Downsview Air Base. Downsview LIves in Cyberspace!

2 Air Reserve Wing 2010 New Year Post part 1

Part 1 of my message to "the troops"for 2010, of the former 2 Air Reserve Wing at the old Downsview Air Base. Downsview LIves in Cyberspace!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Todays last post deals with Toronto Aviation Museum's full size replica of the Arrow. I've seen the model, at the hangar next door to our old hangars at Downsview. Nice to see the footage of it towed around on our old tarmac!

Golen Hawk sabres in Edmonton 1960

Golden Centennaire with Hawk One

Sabre with Snowbirds

Golden Hawks sabre airshow

Here's a series of videos dedicated to Bill Bishop & all those who knew "When Sabres Flew" at Downsview!

Demolition of old hangars at Downsview

(Here's a letter received today that I thought should be published. Cheers, Freddy K).

10 Dec 2009

Re Downsview Hangers

Dear Sirs

I have read the intensions of the DND to tear down the hangers at the old Downsview RCAF station.

As one of the founding members of the Toronto Aero Space Museum, as a former President of the Air Force Association (429 wing). And one who has organized fly-in activities at Baldwin airport. I can only agree to the need to retain these hangers and not destroy them. Yes there is a need for hanger space and activity space in Toronto.

When I was employed by Ace Hardware Canada I arranged to rent one of these hangers as a staging area for our trade shows the space was excellent and I might say appropriately priced to suit corporate budgets,

These have and should be used to accommodate other activities such as all military cadet programs etc

I suggest that the DND turn over these buildings to an organization such as the TAM or an equal; partner such as the Veterans Association in part to maintain. refurbish, and or utilize for functions as they are capable of doing so.

Yes the DND favours and rightfully so the activities of remembrance days and other military functions, yet has an aim to tear down the hangers with no regard to the veterans or heritage. I am sure that the DND did is some fashion consult with the powers to be to report their decisions and their actions for demolition.

Yes as a former member of the RCAF in Dowsnview I know that all former members would be appalled about these events.

The hangers are of a historical; nature and should be preserved as some were at Borden all for the same reasons. As an architectural designer of retail and commercial facilities and have done so globally I stand on the position that these HANGERS are in fact re-usable. There is an old saying in business of building architecture “it is cheaper to build then rebuild” however in this case the opposite is true “It is cheaper to retain existing building assets” especially when we know that to replace such assets in today’s financial terms would be astronomical and out of reach without asking for government assistance

Retain, reuse, rebuild are in today’s economic times the buzz words, (and should be always). I hope that governments are able to see that inevitably these facilities would have too be replaced in one shape or another and probably at the tax payer’s expense.

Instead of using tax payers funds to do the demolition be it DND or not use these funds to aid our troops in Afghanistan and turn over the facilities to private enterprise where we all know that the positive results will be staggering.

As all former member of 400/411 squadrons say

Dowsview lives in cyber space” lets not let that become reality.

On a final note it is my hope that rational minds prevail and we can still enjoy “Downsview" as an Aviation heritage building and hanger far all aviation minded and veteran minded individuals.

What A great legacy it would be.

Leon Penchuk 416 622 4990

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Coffee For Kandahar

Here's a little something you can do to show our troops in Afghanistan that we care...send them a Tim Horton's gift card for a coffee & a donut. Watch the video & see the address.
Merry Christmas! But you can do this at any time of the year.


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